New Paragraph
All are Welcome here!
We extend a special welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, gay, filthy rich, dirt poor, y quien no habla Ingles. We extend a special welcome to those who are crying newborns, skinny as a rail or could afford to lose a few pounds. We welcome you if you sing like Andrea Bocelli or like our pastor who does not like to sing alone. You’re welcome here if you’re “just browsing”, just woke up or just got out of jail. We don’t care if you’re more Catholic than the Pope, or haven’t been in church since little Joey’s Baptism. We extend a special welcome to...
This year as we celebrate the Jubilee Year of the Catholic Church, we invite you to make a special gift to Together in Mission to mark this sacred time of renewal and hope. As one Catholic community of faith, rooted in prayer, let us reflect on how we can support our underserved parishes and schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Your generosity directly impacts our communities, providing the resources they need to thrive. Please consider making a special Jubilee Year gift today!
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:30 am
Monday through Friday: 8:30 am (Daily Mass Schedule)
Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30 pm
Parish Office Hours
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 pm
Closed 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 pm
Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)