The Society of St. Vincent de Paul San Roque Conference is led by volunteers who, through donations from the local community, provide direct assistance to people in need in Santa Barbara. Since we are an all-volunteer group, 100% of the donations received from supporters go directly to serve the needs of the poor in our local community, with a focus on the San Roque area. Our volunteers are responsible for all of our fundraising and seek your support.
A Letter from Society of St. Vincent de Paul San Roque Conference
By helping the poor in our parish, we are heeding the words of our Lord Jesus Christ who said:
'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' Mt 25:40
Dear donor, volunteer, contributor, parishioner,
Through the work of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, San Roque Conference, we have continued to help those in need during the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020. You made it possible by donating maybe months or even years ago. We have been very judicious with the use of funds. We respect and value every dollar that has been entrusted to us. In recent weeks, we have helped some stay in their homes, others repair their vehicles, others to be able to stay home and put food on the table, keep the lights on, and get gas in their cars. This pandemic has certainly affected us all, including the poorest in our area.
Perhaps we can put ourselves in the shoes of someone who has lost their job, but what if that person had no savings, lived paycheck to paycheck and now is abandoned by her husband with three kids who are all attending online classes? How is she to get more work when cleaning homes cannot be done online, and when she cannot leave her children unattended? What will she do when the landlord starts demanding rent? The cases we see are getting more and more desperate. But even when there seems to be no glimmer of hope, our faith helps us put our trust in Divine Providence and believe that God put this person in our path to give them a helping hand and a word of comfort.
We ask you to continue to be a part of our mission of charity by donating whatever you can. Please ask your own kids to send us a note of encouragement for those who are in need. We will share these loving notes with them when we visit them.
We have adapted as well with the use of technology and are able to continue our bimonthly meetings via zoom, as well as meet those in need over the phone, and keep everyone safe.
Please pray for those we visit (now remotely) that they may feel the warmth of our embrace in our tone, in our prayers with them and for them, and in the way that we treat them with great respect and compassion.
May God richly bless you,
The volunteers of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP),
San Roque Conference
Santa Barbara, California
You may make out a check to:
“SVdP San Roque Conference” and mail it to San Roque Church, 325 Argonne Cir. Santa Barbara, CA 93105
If you wish to donate online, please go to our website