Safeguard The Children

San Roque Church takes the safety of all individuals very seriously, most especially the most vulnerable among us, especially children. We are vigilant that no child would become a victim of child sexual or other physical or mental abuse. Protecting Our Children* has top priority here.

Our Parish Safeguard The Children Committee meets twice a year to ensure the safety and education of our children and to review that Archdiocesan Guidelines are being followed. We complete a self-audit at the end of each fiscal year.

Adults with regular contact with minors in all our programs have been fingerprinted and have attended (and maintain compliance every four years) VIRTUS Training.


* We are also concerned with adult victims of child sexual abuse at the hands of any clergy or religious regardless of the time that has past. Please contact Fr. Bruce our Pastor, Noël Fuentes our Pastoral Associate or the Archdiocesan Victims Assistance Ministry.

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