Religious Education - Children

About Our Program

We offer a comprehensive program of religious education classes for children in Grade 1 & 2 for the 2024-25 school year beginning in September.

Our program includes a two year sacramental preparation for Reconciliation (Confession) and Eucharist (First Holy Communion) Grade 1 and Grade 2. Students in the 2nd grade prepare and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.

Our Programs:


If your child is ready to prepare to make their first confession in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and receive First Holy Communion, they will be placed in the appropriate class:

  • Year 1 Prep: 1st grade and up who need either baptism and/or First Reconciliation and Eucharist.
  • Year 2 Prep: 2nd grade and up already baptized, completed one year of preparation and ready to continue for First Reconciliation and Eucharist.

If your child is in Grade 3-8 please contact our Pastoral Associate/Director of faith Formation, Noël Fuentes. We are happy to work with you to have your child receive their sacraments!

Registration Form Here

Please note:

All volunteers who work with children and teens in any capacity at San Roque are required by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to complete the VIRTUS Training session “Protecting God’s Children,” and be fingerprinted with a background check. They cannot enter a classroom as a primary catechist until this process is completed. This includes all volunteers and catechists in our Religious Education Program and our Confirmation program for teens.

Sponsor a Student

If you would like to support this ministry and families who are unable to afford it, consider making a gift! Make check payable to San Roque Church and be sure to designate your gift to "Religious Education" on the memo line.

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