The Creed
January 12-February 23, 2022
The keys that unlock the beliefs of the Christian Faith are stated succinctly in the Nicene Creed, which we profess along with most Christians around the world. Words that roll off our tongues easily, but are often not fully understood, define our Faith. In The Creed, a new film series blending both documentary footage and dynamic talks, Bishop Robert Barron guides viewers into the depths of the Nicene Creed, a fourth-century statement of faith that has profoundly influenced both Eastern and Western spirituality, theology, and liturgy.
Adjunct to this video series we will be reading the Bishop’s new book, Light from Light: A Theological Reflection on the Nicene Creed .
This in-person course will be facilitated by our Pastoral Associate, Noël Fuentes on Wednesdays at 10:00 am and repeated at 6:30 pm (attend one, not both), January 12, 2022 through February 23, 2022. Registration is required and open to registered parishioners of San Roque Parish (those wishing to take this course from other parishes will be placed on a wait list). Forms are available here and in the parish office. $40 for materials. The deadline to register is December 31st.